Monday, October 28, 2019

Rotten Egg and Dog Bite experiences

I don't really have too much time to email so I'll keep it brief. This week has been alright with some pretty good work and lots of finding. We managed to talk to 115 new people this week about the gospel (a lot of them weren't very interested sounding though). We also managed to teach 14 new people that seem a little more interested. Some seemed pretty sincere and I'm excited to continue teaching them. Unfortunately, none of them came to church. The week of work was fine overall. During the week a couple other things happened as well. Midweek we had an incident with a rotten egg. I cracked an egg in order to cook it but instead of a delicious egg, the green rotten liquid got everywhere and all over everything. It smelled horrible. We then spent an hour and a half trying to clean up the rancid smell before we get out to work. Another funny thing that happened this week was while we were riding in a public vehicle I yelled "Apo!" instead of "para po" to try and get the vehicle to stop at our destination. It's funny because 'apo' is the Ilocano word you say to tell people you're waiting at their door (the equivalent of a doorknock back home). The phrase "para po" on the other hand is Tagalog and is what you say in order to stop the vehicle. It was funny and awkward when I yelled the wrong thing because I yelled it VERY loud. I mistakenly said it because it was the first thing that came to my mind since we go house to house every day yelling 'apo' loudly. Now, the crowning event of the week (and this reason I can't send a full email today) is when I got bit by a dog. It was a VERY minor scrape caused by the dog's tooth on my hand. It didn't even bit down. It's tooth just scratched me and I barely bled. I bleed more if I mess up shaving. Anyways, that means that I need to get a rabies shot in order to ensure that I don't die. That's what is limiting the time today. We went and waited at the hospital earlier today for two hours just to be told that they don't have the rabies injections locally. Anyways, that's pretty much the week.

Here's a scripture I like - 

Jeremiah 9:24 - 
24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.

I like this Old Testament scripture because it just helps us focus on what should be important to us. If we are to glory in anything it should be our knowledge of the Lord. That should be our focus and what brings us happiness.

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